Saturday, February 6, 2010

Creating a personal Touch in a high tech World. Be Remembered and Get Referrals.

Free Gift Account - send two free greeting cards
(Including and personal pictures)

“Can I recommend a good electrician?”
“Who is your doctor? Do you like her?”
“We are expecting a new baby and need a bigger home.  Can you recommend a good realtor?”
“Who does your media articles and social media? I love it!”
Would you agree that word of mouth referrals are the very best way to get help? Do you think anything works better? I think no other form of advertising works as well. Business owners, know this and want to leverage this to generate business in a tough or good economy. We want to be remembered for the great service or products we provide, and we "cuddle" the referrals that others send our way. Referrals are the bomb, am I wrong? 

How do we encourage people, without seeming pushy or overbearing, to remember our names and recommend us to their friends?
Imagine if there were a strategy for “helping along” those referrals that you need to grow your business? So that when The Question gets asked: “Who do you know who can help me with…?” The response is you or your business.

Okay now the rubber meet the road. Get your free cards and try it and see what your clients and friends say when they receive a personalized custom card from you.

If you are unable to get an account we apologize as we have reached our 25 Free Gift Account Limit .
If this happens to you please email me or connect on facebook and let me know.

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